Who am I?

Zarghona-Popal-op stoelMy name is Zarghona Popal. I was born and raised in Afghanistan, under the threatening and cruel living conditions. I have wars endured, poverty experienced, a study followed while that was not allowed and had younger classmates for that reason, were murdered. Together with my family, I fled from one place to another, which is a lot of fear and uncertainty.

Our last attempt to escape brought me and my family in the Netherlands. The difference in culture and language made me in the beginning very restless and gave me the feeling that I was not at heard. The waaromvraag of the life that I lived has made me continuously haunted and hurt. Sometimes I was afraid to go on living.

Yet to dwell on the WHY question.  It taught me something very valuable. It has taught me the deeper meaning of that, in myself, to search and to discover, and from there continue to grow.

Looking back, I must say that all the emergencies to me have given the power and strength to continue, and live my life. I think for example of the chances and opportunities I’ve been given to study and to give a lesson to people in the age from 6 to 50 years.

I have been in Afghanistan on several schools where mathematics, science and language lessons were given. And since 1993, I have been in the Netherlands all the possibilities to use different studies to follow and diplomas, and to get to different schools to work.

Do you want to know more about my life experience?
Then read more on this page

Working in schools has given me the idea to work in a different way with people to go to work, so I brought them closer, can enthuse, motivate and inspire you to more out of their life.
All of this has led to the creation of Coach2Change.

Welcome to coach2change!


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